Monday, June 18, 2012

Movies for English learning!

This is my ever-green favourite animation movie. I watched this since I was a little girl. I extremely love this movie. I watched it everyday. I even memorised the songs in this movie! I think I was in primary school at that time. As I watched it several times, I was able to write the lyric of the main song (Let me be your wings) just by listening to the song. Well, those days there were no internet or Mr Google to assist me. To my surprise, I could learn English very well through movies and songs.

Movies are actually useful for young learners as they are fun. Students love learning without doing any task, right? Hehe. Well, you can include your lesson indirectly for example:

Before the movie viewing:
1) you can give out open-ended questions,list of vocabulary, names of characters or even discuss one of the theme.

While viewing:
1) The students can relate the previous discussion and find the answers for the questions you have given earlier.

Post viewing:
1) Students provide responses regarding the movie; their feelings, opinions
2) Discuss the answer for the questions given.
3) You can highlight the moral values in each movie,or portrayed in each character either from the good or bad characters.(I like to highlight this part of the lesson as students could relate it to their own experience)

I have done movie viewing for my students. They loved it and had great time. Although, I understand about the time constrain as the time are limit to 80 mins. Well, I suggest you do it during extra class or tuition. If you will need to kill 2hours fruitfully so try this method.

Here are my list of movies that I have used for my class:
1) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ( the most fav )
2) Ratatouille
3) Ice Princess
4) Rio (the recent most fav)
5) Wall-E
6) Toothfairy
7) Pacifier

Try it! and Have fun! ^_^

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